Our life is full of uncertainties and surprises, therefore it’s always good to learn how to express your own feelings in words when you feel surprised about something. Today we will teach you for simple words that may come in handy when you feel “shocked”. 1....
1. 泡吧 pào bā to kill time in a bar Let’s break it down: 泡(pào): to soak 吧(bā): bar “泡吧(pào bā)” literally means “to soak yourself in a bar”. This word is often used to describe a person who likes to kill time in a bar. Examples: Young people like to kill time in bars....
I’m so excited. Roosters (公鸡 gong jī) are considered to be vigorous in Chinese culture. Therefore, this word is now used by many young people to describe someone is extremely excited. So, how to say “excited” in Chinese? Say “excited” in...
Do you know how to say “cute” in Chinese? Cute Stuff in Chinese Chinese girls love cute stuff. In their opinion, anything, or anybody that looks adorable can be described as “cute”. It could be a baby or a small animal. Sometimes even a toy can also...
Do you know how to say “Thank you, boss” in Chinese? Show Your Appreciation According to Chinese culture, people should show their sincere appreciation when they receive something nice from whoever they know. Nowadays the word 老板 (lǎo bǎn: boss) is often...