8 Unusual Fruits You Can Find In China

8 Unusual Fruits You Can Find In China

We all know that there is a lot of difference between Western and Chinese cooking styles, food, drinks etc, but partly due to different climates and geographical locations, Chinese fruits are also quite different to what we would regard as a ‘normal’ fruit. These...
3 Popular Types of Chinese Hot Pot

3 Popular Types of Chinese Hot Pot

Hot pot is the “fondue of the east”, but with broth instead of melted cheese or chocolate, and with raw vegetables and meat instead of bread and fruits. The Chinese fondue has been around for more than 1000 years, long enough for it to evolve into different...
Top 3 Spicy Chongqing Dishes

Top 3 Spicy Chongqing Dishes

Chongqing is one of the most notable city in China for spicy food. Its cuisine is also known as Chuan Cuisine, owing its name to Sichuan province where it formerly belonged. Today Chongqing is a direct-controlled municipality of China (like Shanghai, Beijing and...
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