Here are the brave souls who came to our Bizarre Food Tasting event! They came, they tasted, they survived!
We presented them with multiple dishes and they picked their favourites and their dislikes.

To celebrate the new year, That’s Mandarin treated its teams to a feast in Beijing and Shanghai! Knowing how much our employees love Japanese cuisine, we chose a restaurant that served delicious sushi, sashimi, grilled skewers and many more. By the end of the night, everyone was stuffed and could barely stand up.
The Verdict
"I can have this again"
– The Tortoise Herb Jelly 龟苓膏
– Cold tea 凉茶
"Um… I’m not sure about this, but this is kinda nice"
– Silkworms 蚕蛹
– Pig’s blood cubes
When the food tasting was done, the group did a trivia while their bellies rested from all that weird food. It was all in all a good evening. Another task successfully completed by the group. Well done, guys!
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