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The Chinese Meaning of YYDS

by | Jul 24, 2024


The Chinese Meaning of YYDS

We will take a look at the Chinese meaning of “YYDS” in this article.

“YYDS” an abbreviation for the Chinese phrase “永远滴神” (yǒng yuǎn de shén) and translates to “eternal god” or “forever god”. Much like the English acronym “G.O.A.T.”—which stands for “Greatest of All Time”—”YYDS” is a way to acknowledge excellence and unparalleled skill.

永远滴神 (yǒngyuǎn de shén)• eternal god

永远 (yǒngyuǎn) • forever
滴神 (de shén) • God

How to Use YYDS?

People will typically use “YYDS” by writing their first name or another’s first name followed by “YYDS,” such as “Clytie YYDS!” This slang isn’t used in spoken Chinese, so you wouldn’t say “Clytie, YYDS” out loud. Instead, it’s commonly used in written forms like WeChat and other messaging apps or online forums.

Let’s break it down with a sample sentence:

  • Victoria lǎoshī, yyds!

  • Victoria lǎoshī, eternal god
  • Teacher Victoria, you’re the best ever!

    Note: “YYDS” is only ever typed but “永远滴神” can be said aloud, but it is not common.


“YYDS” testifies to the influence of online subcultures and how phrases can start in a niche area of the internet and then become mainstream. This term evolved from a specific eSports expression that is normally used in online games. Shiny Ruo, a retired League of Legends player, popularised it by exclaiming “Uzi, 永远滴神!”. Uzi is a former professional League of Legends player who played for the Chinese team. Like the English acronym “G.O.A.T.,” “YYDS” celebrates excellence and acknowledges unparalleled skill.


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