Chinese Speaking Practice Guide for All Levels

Nov 26, 2020 | Guest Blogs & Media

Learning a new language comes with challenges. Learning Chinese can turn out to be even more challenging, as it has a different alphabet and script. Many people who started learning Chinese have stumbled upon a common obstacle: speaking Chinese.

As someone begins to learn Chinese, they start learning the special characters, tones, dialects, and accents. Focusing on grammar and spelling is important because a different line can change the entire meaning of a word.

However, as an assignment help by reviews highlights, speaking Chinese is something all who started studying Chinese have to master.  They may have a rich vocabulary, but actually speaking the language helps them learn how to form sentences and improve the way they express themselves.

Improving Chinese speaking skills is thus a priority for every student. There are a few tips for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced learners that will help them improve and polish their Chinese speaking skills. Here is a practice guide.



Beginners usually know a few basic words and now they are learning how to form sentences. To measure progress, students need to set realistic goals. A realistic goal for a beginner learner would be to have a few basic conversations in Chinese.

1. Start by Reading Out Loud

The first step in practicing speaking Chinese would be to actually start doing it. The first step would be to learn how to pronounce the words and learn the tempo and flow of sentences. Students can choose from a wide variety of podcasts, videos, or audiobooks.

The best way to start would be to listen to the audio a few times and read the written form. You will associate the sounds with the written form, so you could also improve your writing skills. However, the next step would be to read out loud along with the audio.

Setting the tempo and pace on a slower one can be a solution for the first time. This exercise will help beginner learners get more familiar with speaking Chinese.

2. Start Practicing

When learning Chinese, a native speaker can help you the most. So, it is important to start practicing speaking Chinese because it’s the only way you can improve it. When doing this is important to pay attention to the environment. Choose one that has few distractions. You can practice with your teacher or find online a native speaker.

There are a lot of platforms where beginner learners can practice speaking Chinese with a native Chinese speaker. What should you be talking about? The easiest way is to choose a topic you like. A topic you feel confident about. While the conversation keeps going, it is important to have the other one correcting your mistakes. Like this, practice will make it perfect.



Intermediate Chinese learners already have a rich vocabulary and can manage basic conversations. Moreover, they can engage in more complex conversations, regarding daily matters. The goal at this level of learning would be to acquire fluency in Chinese. How can you do this?

1. Start Watching Chinese Movies

The first step in practicing speaking in Chinese would be to actually do it. However, acquiring fluency is a matter of practice and listening. Chinese movies, documentaries, or dramas could provide the entire support you need.

Choose videos that have Chinese subtitles and try to read out loud and synchronize with the actors. It will be easier to learn accents. And if you watch it online, you can replay a sequence until you learn how to speak it perfectly.

2. Start Practicing

It’s no secret that practice makes it perfect. So, the next step would be to start practicing. It is important to choose the right moments and events for your learning level. Speaking Chinese is a new challenge that will help you polish your skills. Traveling to China or attending local Chinese events will help intermediate Chinese learners practice their speaking skills.



Advanced Chinese learners already have the vocabulary and fluency they need. So, the next thing they can improve is speaking skills. They could start practicing in order to speak like a native Chinese.

1. Chinese Environment

One of the things that would help advanced Chinese learners to speak it like a native would be to live in a Chinese environment. Moving to China is always an option. But if this is not feasible enough, working in a Chinese company can be the second solution. This step is not about fluency or vocabulary. It is about learning slang and trendy words. Learning Chinese is not only about accomplishing your goal. It is also about learning about Chinese culture and habits.

Because by doing this, you come to understand it better. And this will help you when you will interact with natives. Or when you will want to build relationships with Chinese people.

2. Practice the Accent

The accent is everything Advanced Chinese learners are missing. Learning the accent can be difficult and challenging, but by practicing, you can master it. Speaking with native speakers is essential. At the same time, advanced learners can watch Chinese TV and try to practice speaking along with the actors.

To notice where you can improve your Chinese speaking skills, you could record yourself while speaking. It will be easier to spot your mistakes and improve them. Last but not least, only by practicing you can master Chinese speaking skills.



No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced Chinese learner, there is always room for improvement. Practice makes it perfect for all levels. Learn the vocabulary, improve your fluency, and practice accents. Aim to begin better day by day. Like this, you will progress towards your goal. And you will improve your speaking skills.

Serena Dorf, Guest Author | That's Mandarin Blog

by Serena Dorf

Serena Dorf has been working as an editor and a lab report writer at research paper writing services and top uk essay writing services in London for 3 years. She is also a professional content writer and journalist in such topics as inspiration, productivity, education, and technologies. Serena loves surfing and traveling.


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