How to Say “Bystanders” in Chinese?
In China, if two people are having a quarrel on the street, it would attract a lot of people’s attention. Chinese people are just curious about everything that is happening around them, and they think it is fun to have something to eat whilst watching people arguing. In Chinese, we call these people 吃瓜群众 (chī guā qún zhòng). So, how to say “bystanders” in Chinese?

(chī guā qún zhòng)
bystanders; gawkers
瓜 (guā) • melon
群众 (qún zhòng) • crowds, masses
Liǎng gè nǚrén zài lù biān dàshēng chǎojià, zhè xīyǐnle hěnduō chī guā qúnzhòng.
Two women are having a fierce argument on the street, which attracts a lot of bystanders’ attention.
Hěnduō chū guā qúnzhòng zài chēhuò xiànchǎng.
There was a car accident, and a lot of gawkers were on the scene.
吃瓜群众 (chī guā qúnzhòng) - "Bystanders" in Chinese | Examples
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