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Why Chinese People Are Addicted to Mobile Phones | 3 Reasons

by | Aug 20, 2019

reasons why chinese people are addicted to mobile phones

3 Reasons Why Chinese People Are Addicted to Mobile Phones

Why are Chinese people so addicted to their mobile phones? You will find 3 reasons in this article. Nowadays mobile phones have become an inalienable part of our daily life. In modern society, mobile phones bring a lot of convenience to our life and provide us with a brand new way to make contact with other people. However, after the advent of numerous mobile games and e-books, more and more Chinese people start to become addicted to mobile phones. When you are taking a subway in China, it’s not surprising to see that almost all the people in the carriage are focusing their attention on their cell phone screens.


1. WeChat   

WeChat has indisputably become the most popular messaging app in China. Since it was released in 2011, the number of its active users has skyrocketed. WeChat indeed makes our life extremely convenient, as its main features include instant messaging, moment and WeChat Pay. The most “entertaining” feature is moment, which allows users to post images and texts on their mobile phones and let friends from the user’s contact view the contents. Chinese people like to write and read about interesting things, No wonder people in China always check their mobile phones from time to time, and it’s all about what’s going on with their friends.

2. TV Dramas on Your Mobile Phone

Young Chinese girls are crazy about Korean TV dramas, to them Korean love stories are somehow more romantic than those Chinese ones. In order to make the most of the time spent on public transportation, some people tend to download their favorite TV drama onto their mobile phones in advance, and then enjoy an “idealized love relationship” on their way to work or on their way back home. Anyway, a nice way to kill time

3. Taobao

The mobile version of Taobao is a must-have for people who love shopping. It’s easy, quick, and cheap. Taobao offers all kinds of promotion to attract customers from time to time. This allows people to buy, for example, designer clothes at affordable prices. With access to Alipay, Taobao also allows buyers to instantly make payment and ensure safe transactions. That’s why “daily Taobao surfing” is something young people wouldn’t like to miss.

Now you know why Chinese people are so addicted to their mobile phones these days. But what about you? How do you mostly use your phone? For watching Youtube or chatting with friends?

Do you think you are addicted to your phone same as Chinese people?

[If you like this post, check out our previous article about How to order food in China using Elema]

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