It’s been a long journey for Chinese Link Words book, but it’s finally complete.
This week we’ve received the final, printed version of the book!

Chinese Link Words: The Book
Our designers have been extremely picky with the colors, paper quality, and every tiny element of the book, and our writers have been very picky with the content — but we’re very happy with the final result.
Can wait for you all to see it!
The official book launch is yet to be set, but it’s going to happen in May – around the same time with our Wuding Road housewarming party (details about it will be released soon 👀).

Chinese Link Words: Beyond the Book
The content of the book aligns perfectly with our NihaoCafe system. We’re currently working on finalizing the new NihaoCafe Level 0 that will be available as a quick survival course to all Chinese beginners.
The content of Level 0 will follow the book and go slightly beyond it — to provide beginner learners with a solid base before they embark on their ‘official’ Chinese learning journey with NihaoCafe Level 1.
The Chinese Link Words book will soon be available for purchase to all That’s Mandarin students. Stay tuned for our updates.
If you are interested in learning more about everything HSK, including the benefits, the time it takes, and more information on different levels, have a read here!