The month of March was such an action-packed time at That’s Mandarin 🔥
You’ve played mahjong, made dumplings, participated in off-campus events — there was so much to do!
Take a look at the best moments ✨
Mahjong Night
Last Friday we hosted the first 麻将夜 Májiàng Yè, or Mahjong Night of the year. It was great to see old and new players – building and honing their mahjong skills😎

Thank-you to all our students for coming!
We are looking forward to hosting the next Mahjong Night to create more fun memories together.
Chengdu: Wine Fair
In March, our Chengdu Campus teachers and students had a great time together exploring the Wine Fair 🍷
They’ve mastered the table etiquette, participated in wine tasting, and explored the wine-related vocabulary. It was a new and interesting experience for everyone!

Making Dumplings & Celebrating 女神节
On March 8, we made dumplings (饺子 jiǎozi) together with our students, and celebrated International Women’s Day (三八女神节 Sān Bā Nǚshén Jié).

Thank you all for coming and channeling your inner chefs 🥟
Team Events
On March 8, we also took a moment to celebrate Women’s Day with our team! It was so nice to see the beautiful smiles of 女神 (Nǚshén) across campuses ✨