Why did we choose Tianjin as a spring trip destination this year?
Because it’s such a wonderful city worth spending a day in!
In Tianjin, you’ll get a chance to:
- Cycle in Five Great Avenues (a nice residential area, former British concession)
- Visit Porcelain House (a French-style villa decorated with tens of thousands of antique tiles, so you can see the porcelain of every era)
- Take a walk along Guwenhua Jie, Tianjin’s Ancient Culture Street (with its lovely shops and old-fashioned buildings)
- Try various (and delicious) street snacks
- 五大道(曾经的英租界、自行车环游)
- 瓷房子(数万件古董瓷片装修而成的,能够看到每个时代的瓷器)
- 古文化街(天津古建筑、特色商铺、当地小吃)
- 品尝多种特色小吃

Date and Time
Mar 23th
8 am – 6:30 pm

900 RMB

Xinzhong Street No.7, Bldg 2 Beijing