When it comes to learning a new language, what’s one of the most important learning methods?
Repeated use!
There is a professional term for it – 复现 (fùxiàn), repetition.
You must’ve noticed that recently, some of the most frequently repeated words have all been related to the coronavirus. It’s big disaster, and it’s very unfortunate – but we still hope to find a way to learn something positive from it.
We can’t go to school, so let’s learn together from home!
Take the Quiz

How do you say “to cough”?
A. 咳嗽 késou
B. 发热 fārè
C. 打喷嚏 dǎ pēntì
D. 流鼻涕 liúbítì

How do you say “to sneeze”?
A. 流鼻涕 liúbítì
B. 乏力 fálì
C. 打喷嚏 dǎ pēntì
D. 干咳 gānké

How do you say “fatigue”?
A. 头疼 tóuténg
B. 呼吸困难 hūxī kùnnan
C. 发热 fārè
D. 乏力 fálì

How do you say “to have a fever”?
A. 头疼 tóuténg
B. 嗓子疼 sǎngzi téng
C. 发热 fārè
D. 咳嗽 késou

How do you say “to have a sore throat”?
A. 流鼻涕 liúbítì
B. 嗓子疼 sǎngzi téng
C. 干咳 gānké
D. 打喷嚏 dǎ pēntì

How do you say “to have a headache”?
A. 咳嗽 késou
B. 发热 fārè
C. 呼吸困难 hūxī kùnnan
D. 头疼 tóuténg

Continue the sentence:
Chūmén, huòzhě qù rén duō de dìfang yīdìng yào…
A. 咳嗽 késou
B. 发热 fārè
C. 呼吸困难 hūxī kùnnan
D. 头疼 tóuténg

Which way is NOT the way to protect yourself during an outbreak?
A. Avoid public places
B. Wear a mask
C. Go to parties
D. Maintain hygiene and desinfect frequently
Answers: 1A, 2C, 3D, 4C, 5B, 6D, 7B, 8C