Spring is here with its blossoming flowers and dazzling sunshine. That’s Mandarin would like to invite you to join us for an exhilarating spring outing to experience the charms of spring. Don’t miss out on it! 🌳
春天到了,万物复苏,阳光明媚。在这样的日子里,怎么能不出去走一走看一看呢?带上你的好心情,和That’s Mandarin一起去迎接春天,享受春天的美好时光吧!我们还准备了烧烤哦,不要错过哦!
Date and Time
Mar 2th
All day
100RMB/ person
E-Cool Bldg 1, Room 302, Xinghua Rd, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen